The foundation process of BOSAD has started in February 2003 by the participation of representatives coming from nine companies targeting to build the national and international sectoral representation and cooperation power. After the completion of the related legal procedures by 2 June 2003, BOSAD started its activities to meet the demand for sectoral cooperation and representation which was lacking throughout the years both in national and international areas.
Main Target of BOSAD, as also stated in its Rules and Regulation Book, is to collect the main Turkish manufacturers, providers and side industry companies under a single sectoral roof; to provide the accession of the participant companies on the national issues, to express the problems of the paint sector with a common language and to protect the sectoral rights and benefits.
The companies and individuals in the sector are obliged to continue production according to all related laws and regulations and have accepted the responsibility of taking part and contribute in the sector under several obligations such as providing the necessary technical and hygienic working conditions, obeying sectoral competition rules, protecting the consumer and manufacturer rights and
not giving harm to the environment.
Besides, BOSAD also carries out several professional studies which aim to increase the paint consumption in Turkey up to the level of European standards, to support its members in complying with international regulations related to hazardous materials and to make the sector become more conscious about the current issues on the agenda of the world paint and coating industries. BOSAD tries to provide closer relationships among the participant companies and members in the sector to achieve a more efficient cooperation towards reaching these aims.